Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jealousy is a Nasty Disease, Get Well Soon Biznitch!

Haha OK so I'm sure your wondering about the title about this post.  Yes I am going to talk about jealousy.  Jealousy is a funny thing.  Some people let it get them It lifts me higher.

You see my friends I am not talking about some random girl who wishes she had the new designer purse I just purchased or my seriously beautiful new sports car...
(I really don't have either of these things haha)

No, no...

I am referring to my fiance haha.

You see Jordan and I are SUPER competitive people in general but it's on a whole other level with each other.  In fact it is so bad that I have created my own personal victory dance for the activities I beat him at, and he gives me the "IN YO FACE" when he miraculously beats me.

Now, I am sharing this information with you because the latest competitive/jealousy factor has to do with my blog.  I can't tell you how many times I see my friends out while I am with Jordan and they say "Hey Hill, great blog", or "Your posts are pretty funny", or something along those lines.

Immediate satisfaction comes over my body because Jordan RAGS on me about this blog ALL OF THE TIME.  I mean it's my own fault because I go home and say things like "Oh My God, I read this amazing blog today", or "This blog made me cry" or, "I can"t believe they wrote that on their blog!" get the idea. 

I really only started talking about blogging to him a few months ago but I got on a kick telling him everyday about all of the wonderful people I had connected with, and how there are so many different people out there writing about different life experiences, yet there are so many people that are in the same (hockey) situation as us.  I also told him about how there are genuinely good people out who can literally help you out with life decisions even if you don't know them personally.

After a while Jordan would say things like "Oh why don't you just ask one of your blogger friends",when I seriously needed him to answer something for me. Or "Blogging is all you talk about, don't you do any real work"?
Needless to say these kind of remarks got me heated so I decided to stop talking about blogging with him to take away his satisfaction of seeing me "rattled".....that is until people started telling me and messaging him how much they enjoyed reading my posts.<--insert devilish smile ;oP


Haha these are the things I've said to him recently without facing a comeback....god I'm mature haha.

Anyway if you reading this and thinking, "man that Jordan sounds like a jerk", rest assure he's really not.  I guess you could call it our way of flirting because I give it right back to him about other random things.  I know deep down he's happy that I found something I like to do in my spare time and that I have met some wonderful people on here.  Unfortunately for me that doesn't mean he's going to lay off teasing me about it anytime soon but luckily I have people out there who make comments about my blog and it shuts him right up lol.


  1. Haha, the guys just don't get it, do they! Oh well. And yes, we are super competitive too. Some board games have even been banned! haha

  2. haha Texa they will never understand! Glad there's another super competitive couple out there who can relate ;o)

  3. ill gove you an award too for your blog! head over to my page for the details! *allison
