Hello my fellow Bloggers/Readers!
First off I wanted to discuss blogging in general. I'm pretty new to this blogging world but I have already become addicted/fascinated with this whole thing. I love having the ability to jot down my thoughts/share stories about Jordan and I's journey together and also having people read/comment on it. I actually find it very therapeutic. I also LOVE reading other blogs about other couples who are in similar situations so if you see that I am "following" you it's because I think your blog is interesting and helpful! I think it's great that you can turn to blogging to get advice, ideas and connect with others who understand (or who don't :o)) your lifestyle.
I have to say before I really started to get more into blogging I used to follow blogs "anonymously" because I was afraid people would think I was a creep haha. Luckily I have figured out that most people don't think it's creepy at all and are flattered to be "followed". I think the same way so if you like our story and think it's interesting or helpful, feel free to follow me! Trust me, I do understandd if you want to stay anonymous but I PROMISE I won't think your creep if you don't. I would love to hear from you so feel free to write a comments on any of my posts....this is a judgement free zone!
This serves as a nice little segway to my next topic; this blog in general. I started this blog REALLY as a way to follow Jordan in Finland and how I felt about it/ how I was dealing with it back in Massachusetts. While I will still talk about that, I would really like to broaden it up and talk about our life adventure together in general. Whether we are apart, together, living in Massachusetts/St. Louis/Finland/who knows where, or gearing up for the next hockey season I would like to share it with you. Hopefully I don't lose to many die hard hockey fans out there who only read this to follow Jordan's hockey career but instead, gain some new friends who I can share stories with.
One more thing about blogging; I am by NO MEANS a professional blogger or a great writer so I'm warning you now, expect A LOT of errors. To be honest, before my last post I didn't even use spell check which looking back on it was clearly not a good idea. I spent a good 1/2 hour reading/editing
my post I wrote while I was in Finland and was appalled. So I vow to you that this won't be perfect but I will do my best to edits my posts so they are actually readable haha.
OK enough with the blogging schpiel. Next I would like to talk about "life purchases". I was visiting with my friends Grace and Holly a couple of days ago and I was showing them a couple of new things I had bought at the mall. I told them I bought these things to bring with me next year, wherever that may be, and the reasoning behind each item had to do with the ability to use them in multiple settings/seasons. Grace immediately said "Oh My God your starting to make life purchases". Now when you think of "life purchases" I'm sure you think of a house, or a car, or a pet but because of our lifestyle we can't REALLY make any big life purchases together until we get settled somewhere which probably won't be for a couple of years. So for now, my "life purchases" will be things I can really get a lot of use out of and things that will be helpful with the transition of moving for next year's hockey season. I'm really trying to keep the saying "Less is More" in my head because prior to these "life purchases" I would buy things that I would only wear/use once. I can't do that anymore because I would have WAY to many things to try and bring with me next year so instead I am now buying for "quality" rather than "quantity".
Here are my first couple of "life purchases" I have made so far and the reasoning behind them:
American Glamour Badgley Mischka Large Satchel With Cage Detail
A Brown and black bag that I can wear with practically ANYTHING. A quality fall/winter purse that will last!
MICHAEL Michael Kors Jet Set Leather Bifold Wallet
Need a good wallet to go with my purse! I've never been into wallets and the last one I owned lasted me for 6 years so I think it was time for an update.

Michael Michael Kors - Jet Set Small Crossbody (bronze) Designer Handbag
I actually got the silver one but I think either color will do the trick. This will be my "going out" purse. If you have seen me out in the past year or so you may notice that I wear a cross body bag that never actually leaves my body. This is because I tend to forget or lose my purses at the bars/cabs/anywhere else I may be drinking so I decided that if I don't take it off of my body I can't lose it right? Personally I think this is genius for space cadets like me but the old one I've been rocking is far to casual to be wearing with clothes I dress up in to head into the city. This new bad should do the trick and I can wear it every season.
Unity by Carlos Santana
Yes I realize riding boots are kind of old news but they are perfect to wear Fall, Winter, and Spring. When I went to Finland all of the women wore long boots so I figured I should get a pair that will work for all seasons, will keep my feet and legs warm, and still look cute doing it ;o)
BDG Cinched Anorak
This lightweight jacket it perfect to wear in the Fall or Spring and doubles as a raincoat. It's perfect for casual wear and not to mention it looks great with my riding boots and handbag!
OK time for a REAL "Life Purchase":
I haven't actually bought them yet but I figured it's time for my to buy my own pair of ice skates since I am marrying a hockey player. Jordan better watch out...I might actually get really good on these things and give him a run for his money! Plus I'm going to need a pair to help teach my niece to skate...she's still a work in progress but look at her go!
Alright enough blogging for the day.....I'm exausted!